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David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg

  • Canadian director, born in 1943 in Toronto.

    After scientific studies, David Cronenberg switched to a literary cursus, attesting early on to his interest in the links between the sciences and humanities. He later frequented alternative artistic scenes, directing experimental short films then two
    feature-length films under the radar. After several telefilms, he returned to cinema with Shivers (1975), fast becoming a cult filmmaker of genre films combining horror, fantasy and science fiction – Chromosome 3 (1979), Videodrome (1983), Dead
     (1983) – before gaining international recognition with The Fly (1986). He then made a series of masterpieces, selected in the biggest festivals, including: Dead Ringers (1989), Crash (1996), A History of Violence (2005) or Maps to the Stars (2014). Mixing fire with ice, flesh with cerebrality, thrills with philosophy, his favourite theme recurs in these: the body as a site of experimentation. Richly endowed with around twenty feature films, which are often twisted, his oeuvre provides a powerful x-ray of the contemporary world, its mutations, and the psyche of the individuals that compose it. His latest film, The Shrouds, will be released in April 2025 in France.

  • Stereo (1969) - Crimes of the Future (1970) - Shivers (1975) - Rabid (1977) - Fast Company (1979) - The Brood (1979) - Scanners (1981) - Videodrome (1983) - The Dead Zone (1983) - The Fly (1986) - Dead Ringers (1988) - Naked Lunch (1991) - M. Butterfly (1993) - Crash (1996) - eXistenZ (1999) - Spider (2002) - A History of Violence (2005) - Eastern Promises (2007) - A Dangerous Method (2011) - Cosmopolis (2012) - Maps to the Stars (2014) - Crimes of the Future (2022) - The Shrouds (2024)

Their list of films