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L'Afrique en morceaux

L'Afrique en morceaux
de Jihan El-Tahri1h442000France
L'Afrique en morceaux

La fiche film

April, 1994. Genocide in Rwanda. 800,000 dead. A catastrophe that upset the balance in the entire region. The Great Lakes region of Africa ended the year with a bloodbath. This documentary shows the intrigues, the dramatic effects, the treasons, the vengeances that prevailed over those years and whose only goal was to maintain or increase each faction's area of influence. In just ten years, the population saw all their hopes vanish: The dream of an Africa in control of its own destiny, alimentary self-sufficiency, the end of interethnic conflicts.

Générique et fiche technique
  • Générique

  • Informations techniques

    • Support de tournage :
    • Année de production : 2000
    • Type de Films :
    • Couleurs :
    • Langue :
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