Jean-Charles Hue
French director, born in 1968 in Eaubonne.
First a designer, then a fashion designer, Jean-Charles Hue started his filmmaking career in the early 2000s. He has dedicated several films to traveller communities, particularly the Yenish in The Lord's Ride (2011). With Carne Viva (2009), he inaugurated a series of works on Tijuana, the Mexican city on the border with the United States. His cinema deals with the relationship between belief and reality, exploring both physical and imaginary territories and entering into conversation with the magical dimension that pervades our rites, through the illusory power of film. The Dorkels won the Jean Vigo Award in 2014. He is currently completing his latest feature Sang craché des lèvres belles [Blood Spat from Beautiful Lips] as well as a televised series in the gypsy world: Malditos.
Carne viva (2009) - La BM du Seigneur (2011) - Mange tes morts : Tu ne diras point (2014) - Tijuana Bible (2019) - The Soiled Doves of Tijuana (2022)